Saturday 4 February 2012

church & numbers

Kevin deYoung has an interesting piece here on numbers in church (people, not the OT book). It includes some helpful observations by Leslie Newbigin and concludes with these words by DeYoung:

We love to see more people loving Jesus and living in greater accordance to his commands, but we should not think church size, when judged by the only Judge that really matters, is a reliable measure of a church’s success or a pastor’s faithfulness.

Friday 3 February 2012

you need to waffle

Well, sort of...Seth Godin identifies that most issues are both simple and complex and, somewhere along the line, nuance is necessary. Substitute 'gospel' or 'the Christian life' for 'issues' and you've got some wisdom we all need.

Viewed from 10,000ft they are indeed simple and we need to be able to communicate that simplicity of vision to others, as well as hold it before our own eyes. But we will never pastor well unless we know that what looks simple at a distance is complex when nearer and learn to apply the requisite biblical nuances to the vision.