Friday, 10 September 2010

the uncertainty principle

Ever heard of Heisenberg's principle? OK, smarty-pants; most of us haven't heard of it. But I came across a reference to it in an article in the NYT on learning habits and was intrigued.

Apparently it stems from quantum physics and is simply stated in Wikipedia as stating that

by precise inequalities...certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, cannot be simultaneously known to arbitrarily high precision. That is, the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be measured.

Which got me thinking: how often does that happen in life? You look intensely at one thing, you lose the ability to correctly perceive another. Step back; take stock. Keep the bigger picture in view.

Kudos, Mr Heisenberg.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Larry Crabb: on unmet desires

We simply must get rid of the idea that the obedient Christian is supposed to feel good all the time. The springs of living water bathing our deepest longings with His presence now and His promises for later do not eliminate the pain of unmet desires at other levels. We therefore should not measure the quality of our walk with the Lord by the absence of unhappy feelings.

from Inside Out

Monday, 6 September 2010

like the angels

Where there is no death there is no need for procreation, and so the exclusive relationship within which procreation takes place is no longer appropriate: "they neither marry nor are given in marriage". This is not to say that there is no love, but there is no need for the exclusivness and jealousy which are an essential part of married life on earth. We may hope that Jesus speaks not of something lost , but of something gained in heaven.

R. T. France, Mark (The People's Bible Commentary) p.161

the great albums (xii) - after the goldrush

He's already figured here - and I passed over the opportunity to make this selection at that time - but I just cannot avoid another Neil Young album: the absolutely-essential After The Goldrush.

Everything that needs to be said about this has probably been said elsewhere - lyrical, joyous, angry, confused, sad and relentless. It may stand as his greatest ever work.

sanctification: just do it

Mike Bird is concerned that "some are beginning to replace the imperative element in Christian sanctification...with the need for more knowledge of the indicative " I think he is absolutely spot-on & has said with his usual clarity what I had been mulling over in my usual fogginess for some time.

He elaborates:
I am concerned that the "now go and do this" and "in response let us live like this" or "don't do this" that we find in the Scriptures are being marginalized in the name of a piety that is largely cognitive rather than transformative, a piety that is cerebral rather than practical
And then concludes:
Good theology, godward passion, and christocentric interpretation is not enough. Based on the words of Jesus, Paul, and James I'm willing to say that the differences between the sheep and the goats, between the followers and the fans, between hearers and doers, and between wearing a cross and carrying one, is whether one earnestly struggles against sin and earnestly seeks after godly virtues in the power of God's Spirit. It is mediation on grace, imitation of Christ/God, transformation of the self, and actively pursuing application that will make us godly people.

Friday, 3 September 2010

the failure of succession

Colin Hanson makes some fine points in this article - none more so than his suggestion that "Perhaps God isn’t so concerned that churches should pass from glory to glory, if history is any indication."

Saturday, 31 July 2010

the great albums (xi) - the pleasure principle

I can't say I expected this to figure on here, either, but recent listens have convinced me it ought to see the light of day.

Almost a concept album (Numan was virtually a concept per se), it took aspects of Kraftwerk and Bowie (to my ears, at least) and melded them into a pop approach that worked for a few short years. There was always more going on than people gave him credit for - but disaffection, isolation and fear hardly endear themselves to the populace.

The singing isn't accomplished, nor even all that pleasurable, but it didn't need to be. That wasn't the point.

And Cars is one of the all-time great songs - you know you agree.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

kindle in the uk (soon)

And, equally as soon (like, end of August) in my grasp - I've pre-ordered a wi-fi only version (see here for details).

If I get cold feet over the next few weeks I can always cancel the order I guess.

Better make sure I wear some warm socks then...

Saturday, 24 July 2010

if two walk together...

...they must be agreed on their posture!

(Photo supplied by Albert)