Saturday, 28 March 2009

the great songs (xiv) - and i love her

Well, who would have thought this would have been the first Beatles track to feature on these lists? Many others could have been chosen (Hey Jude is almost without peer). But a choice is made and it is this. You could do yourself a favour and buy A Hard Day's Night; then you'll not only get this superb McCartney love song but more fab songs than you can shake one of Ringo's drumsticks at.

And I Love Her
is a simple enough song but that's probably its greatest asset. As simple as, say, Here, There & Everywhere (on Revolver) but this has something extra. Being in love can be a hugely difficult thing; songs like this are what blokes like me have always needed in traversing those choppy seas.

One particular memory is stirred by this song: lying awake in my room at college, late at night, early months of 1982, listening in the dark to Radio 2 (probably dear old Brian Matthews) and they played this song. In the stillness of the night, its simple purity struck me for the first time. But not the last.