The Bible begins with darkness - a darkness that was over the surface of the deep. As the Bible draws to a close, a future is promised where “there will be no more night” (Revelation 22:5); no more darkness or chaos. But that darkness will be dispelled without the light of a lamp or the light of the sun. How so? “The LORD God will give them light.”
The creation of sun, moon and stars for light on the earth is seen to have been a temporary and prophetic provision, pointing forward to a day when the whole creation will be ablaze with true light, the light of a glory that is full of grace and truth, a glory that banishes the curse, that brings to an end the old order of things, that presages a future without pain, that ushers in a future healed of sorrows - the glory of the eternal God, seen in the face of his Son, Jesus Christ.
And so we say, with longing and hope, “Amen; come, Lord Jesus.”