Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Allow yourself to sleep
Psalm 127:2 says that God gives sleep to those he loves. This is surely the antidote to the endless productivity hacking so many of us find we’re drawn to. It is OK to sleep, to have downtime, to end work without finishing the task. Because all true security and all true prosperity come from the LORD. And whether the best translation is ‘he gives sleep to those he loves’ or ‘while they sleep he provides for those he loves’, the key thing is this: “those he loves”. Loved by the LORD, you can rest in genuine security and slumber in his settled provision.
It is in vain to rise early or to stay up late - ‘in vain’: that’s an awesome Bible word. Futile. A waste. Comes-to-nothing. A world without form and void - an empty, trackless waste, without purpose or shape, essentially fruitless. All your efforts at getting things done could amount to that. Ouch. Because unless the LORD builds the house, all labour is in vain.