Thursday, 18 April 2019

Into the valley (He carries me)

So I was thinking some days ago about songs of lament and hope and thought I'd try my hand at writing one. A friend has kindly agreed to see if he can write a tune for it, either for solo or congregational use. I'm not sure it actually merits too much of his time (it still feels somewhat unfinished) but fwiw this is it (the italicised verse can either be sung as a chorus after each verse, after verses 2 and 3 or only after verse 3, no decision yet)

Into the valley (He carries me)

Into the valley of pain I go
And yes I am afraid;
The shadows are deep, the sky is dark
My hopes all seem betrayed.
Into the valley of pain I go
But I am not alone.

Into the valley of shame I go
And yes I am undone;
My sins all crimson, my guilt aflame,
The slanderer has won.
Into the valley of shame I go
But I am not alone

Into the valley of fear I go
And yes I tremble hard;
The struggle was long, the fighting fierce,
My soul is battle-scarred.
Into the valley of fear I go
But I am not alone


He walks with me, he talks with me,
He shelters me from harm,
He draws the sting of guilt and shame,
Of pain and all alarm,
And carries me, yes carries me
And tells me all his name.

(Alternative last line(s): And in his name is calm/And all his name is calm)

ps. Please also see this post for these words set to music.