Friday 22 November 2019

A rule of thumb for the new and the old (Leithart)

Paul's letter to the Galatians is an important text for reflecting on the continuities and discontinuities of redemptive history. On the one hand, Paul argues for a massive discontinuity between Israel and the church, insisting that the coming of Christ decisively undermines the division of Jew and Gentile (Gal. 2:11-16; 3:23-29). At the same time, Paul is at pains to show that this change is precisely in keeping with the purposes of God already expressed to Abraham (3:1-14), so that the "new thing" is inherently a very old thing, a thing older even than the law, which was added as a means for realising the Abrahamic promise (3:19). From Galatians, one might draw this rule of thumb: any "new thing" in the church that is not simultaneously the realisation of some "old thing" represents a false path.

Peter Leithart, 1&2 Kings (SCM Theological Commentary on the Bible), p.253