Saturday 22 February 2020

Michael Reeves on the difference between teaching and preaching

In preaching I seek to do something I don't do in teaching: in teaching I'm conveying information with the best clarity I can; in preaching I am heralding - I'm heralding Christ in such a way that the truths that I'm preaching might not only shape your mind and your convictions but also affect your heart - how you feel about things, what you desire, what you want. So I want who Christ is to affect you at a heart level so that your life changes...I want people to understand the text such that their minds are clearer but I want then for their hearts to change and primarily I want to see them come to love Christ and find a joy in him and love him, adore him more than they adore their sins - so that they're weaned off their sins towards Christ...Preaching changed at the reformation when the reformers were saying 'We're not just trying to change the behaviour of those we're preaching to, we want their very hearts to change so that they do not simply behave better but actually love Christ, love the Lord, and therefore their behaviour changes.'

(from the Equip podcast)