Friday, 8 January 2021

The righteousness that goes before Him (Joy in the Journey 78)

The 'ground' of 2021 still lies mostly fresh before us, untrodden and, in large measure, unseen. Some steps that we will take are known to us, others are beyond our sight. But even those we believe we can see are likely to contain hidden depths and aspects unknown by us. And what is hidden from us often causes hesitation and even alarm.

All of which leads to a solemn conclusion: we need to be led through all the days given to us.

Each life is lived one day at a time and every day is navigated step by step. We're urged to keep in step with the Spirit as we make choices, reach decisions and consecrate our days in faith to the Lord. But with each step we stand in need of his guiding hand upon our lives.

Psalm 85 was written within days of longing for God's blessing to be known once more, for previously experienced realities to return. We may well share in those longings, personally and as churches. As the psalm draws to a close it offers us the solid assurance of guidance and the hope we so badly need:

"Love and faithfulness meet together;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,
And righteousness looks down from heaven.
The LORD will indeed give what is good,
and our land will yield its harvest.
Righteousness goes before him
and prepares the way for his steps."
(verses 11-13)

The journey that the Lord takes - and that he leads his people on - is one whose every step has been prepared by and within his righteousness - his faithful, unbreakable promises, his full-blown integrity and steadfast, committed love. At its heart, the gospel is the unveiling of that righteousness - from faith and for faith; the power of God that brings salvation for all who believe.

That righteousness, that gospel reality, is the foundation for every move the Lord takes with his people. His every step is prepared by and in righteousness and so possesses a solidity that is unmatched and unattainable by human effort. He lacks no wisdom and pours into every life that he holds in his hands an abundance of mercy and compassion.

Here is where we find hope and can place our whole confidence for our unseen journeys. The ground of all our days has been secured by the meeting together of the love and faithfulness of God, the embrace of his righteousness and peace, in the giving of his Son to be our Saviour. His sacrifice means that there will indeed be a harvest - in the lives reclaimed and made fruitful, to the glory and praise of God.

The steps we will take through this year remain a mystery to us, but the One who has our names inscribed on his palms is not. He has unveiled his merciful face and has called us by name. He goes out, ahead of his sheep, and we can follow him in the quiet contentment of ultimate security.


Lead me, Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness;
    Make Thy way plain before my face.
Lead me, Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness;
    Make Thy way plain before my face.

For it is Thou, Lord; Thou, Lord, only,
    That makest me dwell in safety.
For it is Thou, Lord; Thou, Lord, only,
    That makest me dwell in safety.