Friday, 25 September 2020

How mission becomes shrill (Peterson)

If worship is the cultivation of who we are and what we are here for, mission has a lot to do with with how we get it done. When the missional "how" is severed from the worship "who and what", the missional life no longer is controlled and shaped by Scripture and the Spirit. And so mission becomes shrill, dependant on constant "strategies" and promotional schemes. The proliferation of technology in our time exacerbates our plight - we have so many attractive options regarding the "how" that it is difficult not to use them in such a good cause as the gospel, not discerning whether or not they are appropriate to a life that is immersed in personal relationships (deriving from the Trinity) and a willingness to live in a mystery in which I am not in control.

Eugene Peterson, Letters to a Young Pastor, p.98